Research and Development Cosmetics Laboratory
In Research and Development laboratory we evaluate new raw materials and study new formulations: we manage all stages of new projects development such as the development of prototypes and samples.
In Research and Development laboratory we evaluate new raw materials and study new formulations: we manage all stages of new projects development such as the development of prototypes and samples.
We have highly qualified staff with extensive experience in the field that allowed Kosmetikal to become a reference point for the development of new modern and innovative products.
Thanks to the skill and curiosity of our Technical Cosmetologists, we can perform any request, from consulting, development, formulation of new projects, to the production stage.
The laboratory is equipped with stirrers, various heating magnetic plates and bain-marie, Silverstone homogenizers, a set of scales varying scope, viscometers, pH-meters, Refrigerated thermostats. Microbiological analysis Department and area-specific packaging and labeling of the samples.
We create and follow the cosmetic product in all its phases: we agree with you the basic specifications, we create formulas, we produce the samples and perform stability testing to verify compliance with standards and your requests.
Starting then from Your idea, We will deliver the first prototypes, for your comments and we will work together to perfect them up to prepare the Product Information Document (PIF).
Every single raw material must conform to the quality standards therefore it is controlled when arrives in our warehouses by our Quality Control analysis and we preserve a sample lot for 3 years and only after having validated his use it is fed into the production chain .
We verify for each production the lot conformity by chemical, physical and microbiological analysis before proceeding with the packaging and shipping.
We verify compliance for each packaging and we will preserve a sample to ensure traceability.
Also We have developed a new internal management quality system that it will soon be certified.
In addition to performing internally chemical, physical and microbiological tests, we rely on accredited external laboratories for challenge test, skin tolerability, skin tests, heavy metals detection test, etc…